


I am not alone in my concern (sweating panic) about what is next in my life now that my daughter is a Freshman in College and my son a Senior in High School. I gave up my original career (earning more than sub-minimum wage) a million years ago (almost 19) when I gave birth. Mommy groups, PTA, Community Service Volunteer, Political Activist (I went to 1 march), Girl Scout Troop Leader, Team Manager, and Carpool Organizer extraordinaire are all behind me. Now What? I have no idea. However, it may be fun to document my entry into this scary new stage of my life. Maybe together my fellow almost empty nesters and I can glide smoothly (or not) through the next adventure of our lives with fun, laughs, and hopefully grace. Follow me on my journey as I navigate through these terrifying waters. So much of the future is uncertain.…