and will not find on my Blog

Below are five Blogs geared toward Women whose kids have flown the coop or are about to fly out of the nest. I love that they are all written by women (and a man or two) approaching a new stage of life, finding a purpose, and sharing their journey. Or they want to make a quick buck which I can’t fault. These grown and flown kids can still suck your wallet dry.

Older Mommy Still Yummy

Older Mommy Still Yummy

I rarely ever bake. When I do, it’s something with a gazillion calories and always chocolate. If it’s not chocolate, it’s not worth my effort. Monica creates fun desserts that might make a complete baking idiot like me dust off my silicone spatula. As well as sharing yummy treats, Monica and her husband also travel, entertain and even throw in some healthy living options. Also, I am sharing this blog because I love the name. Older Mommy Still Yummy.

Empty Nest Blessed

Empty Nest Blessed

This is the site for you if you want an elegant and dignified way to transition into your empty nest. Probably because she lives in Texas, this lady oozes Southern Charm. Suzy looks fabulous in everything she wears, and she wears a ton of outfits that have links to purchase. I love this blog because although over 50 (I did the math), Suzy can model youthful but very age-appropriate outfits. I can’t say the same thing about myself as the minute my daughter left for college; I raided her closet for leftover leggings and sweatshirts. When pigs fly and I post a picture of my non-age-appropriate attire, I will link to my daughter’s closet. Check out Empty Nest Blessed.

Feathering My Empty Nest

Feathering My Empty Nest

I like her tagline; Ideas from the Slightly Addled Mind of a Veteran Domestic Goddess. Feathering My Empty Nest is a humourous lifestyle blog featuring entertaining, home decor, DIY projects, recipes, and crazy personal anecdotes. I have crazy personal tales, so I hope you follow me as I attempt to begin a delightful and entertaining journey into my unknown future.

Skip to My Life

Skip to My Life

How can you not love a woman that crafts her way out of her children-leaving depression? SkiptoMyLife Shannon (it was hard to find her name on the blog as I had to click on her Facebook page) has a lot of free stuff on her blog. You can download away all kinds of printables to organize your life or find daily inspiration. The opt-in pop-ups are a little distracting, but she does provide lots of information.

The Postcard Jar

Postcard Jar

I love travelers. People that throw everyday worries aside and travel the world. Steve and Ann blog about extraordinary travel for ordinary people. Their home base is a small rural town in southeast Nebraska and Oklahoma. These locales alone could be an exotic destination compared to my completely suburban New Jersey town. The Postcard Jar will inspire you to take the next step on your journey.


I hope you find these bloggers interesting. My blogging journey is just beginning. My goal is to provide content that will be relevant and informative yet still retain my somewhat unconventional and a little cockeyed perspective.

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