


Halloween was never my favorite holiday. Mainly it was the costumes. As traditional a housewife as my mother may have been, sewing was not her thing. She had a super cool sewing box, with one of those cloth tomatoes that I still have no clue of their purpose, that I never saw her use . Making a costume was never an option. Those early 70’s store-bought costumes were flammable and non-breathable. They also were non-describable. Was I Caspar the Friendly Ghost or Mary Poppins? The mask that came with it eventually found its true purpose later for bank robbers and scary movie villains. The memory of spending a few hours barely breathing, blinded, and sweating in the un-temperature-relegated material that’s presently contributing to many a landfills’ toxicity can still trigger a nightmare. Witch Way to the Candy? When I was little, there must have been a ring of children-targeted bandits…